Sundays - 9 am,
Main Sanctuary or Livestream (@LAFirstnaz Facebook or YouTube)
Following Service - Konania - Meet and Greet
Zoom Meeting’s
Monday - Spanish Language -7:00 pm
Tuesday - LAFE Men Connect - 5:00 pm
Wednesdays - English Language -7:00 pm
Youth Gathering Sunday at 11am 3d Floor
Sports Ministry Outreach
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday at 6:30pm Futsal Court
Phone: 213-385-6345
Email: info@la1stnaz.org
Our History
Since 1895, the vision of Dr. Bresee and the Los Angeles 1st Church of the Nazarene has been very clear and bold. It seeks to be a place where people are inspired by the Holy Spirit to live for Him, and a place of welcome and hospitality for all people; rich and poor alike. This vision culminates in being a multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-generational congregation that reflects God’s love in order to bring healing and transformation to its members and its community. Together may we “seek the peace and prosperity of the city, …For as it (thrives), we too will (thrive)” Jeremiah 29:7
Our Mission
The LA 1st Church of the Nazarene English congregation sees its vision to reflect God’s love in the city, and inspire people to experience a changed life filled with joy, hope and peace.
Our mission is to be a place of inspiration, healing, and compassion, where all cultures, races, and ages, will experience God’s love and impact our community for good.
Join us as we live out this vision for another 120 years!

Rev. Josué Abraham Tigüilá, Sr. is currently Senior Pastor of the English Congregation of First Church of the Nazarene. I became an Ordained Elder in the year of our Lord 2004 in the District Assembly of Los Angeles District Church of the Nazarene. I was born on December 11, 1967 in Central America Guatemala City. As a child, my family and I immigrated from Guatemala City, one year after the 1966 earthquake arriving in Los Angeles in February of 1977. On that same month of arrival we visited First Church of the Nazarene Los Angeles and remained there my entire elementary, middle school, high school and church ministerial course for ordination. Within my young adult years I received and finished trade school completing a degree in office technology. In 1989 I started bi-vocational career-ministry work in the Multi Congregation Board as Trustee, outreach worker, youth minister, music worship leader, associate pastor, and leadership in a bilingual setting of the local church and the district. At the same time I worked in the Brokerage firms in the financial areas of Los Angeles, Century City, Beverly Hills and Burbank from 1989 to 2012. Some of my responsibilities were in the operations sector handling and reconciliation of firms’ trade transactions and to supervise, manage, and work with a team. A huge milestone in my life came in April of 1989 when I got married. I have been married for over 26 years with Bella (my high school sweetheart) and have two wonderful kids. Cosette, and Josué Jr., Both major in mathematics from Point Loma Nazarene University. In September 2004 I responded to God’s call and was appointed Lead Pastor in Eagle Rock Church of the Nazarene. For 11 years the Lord called me to lead a bilingual, multicultural, multiethnic community. In the month of December 2015 I responded to the call to be the Senior Pastor of the English Congregation at L.A. First, where I am currently serving. I am back to my home church. Within the span of thirty years I have been a bio-vocational minister, outreach worker in skid row South Los Angeles and President of a non-profit in the city of Eagle Rock called The Rock Community,(Reach our Community Kids). A Chaplain with Marketplace Chaplains.